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  1. Is past tense safe to use on dogs? diluted of course. holding onto the past and holding onto trauma… which oil would we use for dogs to release that? I’ve been diffusing peace, console and forgive, on different nights… thank you!

  2. You say breath is safe for dogs but it has tea tree in it! Then you say yea tree is toxic for dog! So how can breathe safe to be used on dogs? Is it because it’s so small of an amount I just trying to understand

    1. Hi Denise. Great question. You wouldn’t want to use straight tea tree on your dog or in large amounts. However, Tea tree in a small amount and heavily diluted would be OK (and could be beneficial for some skin conditions) and in the breathe blend it’s safe because it’s such a small amount mixed in with the other oils. Many people use it in a diffuser at night to help prevent their dog from snoring and this is very safe.

  3. We have 3 fur babies, and only one gets lesions on his tummy. They start out as whiteheads and then turn into lesions. The vet has given him allergy shots, a steroid spray and a prescription of Apoquel. None of it works. Help!!

    1. Trisha, I’m sorry to hear your baby gets lesions. Lavender essential oil is great for skin. You could try some Lavender topically (be sure to dilute) and even combine it with some Frankincense for extra support. You might also consider changing up the food – perhaps it’s a food allergy?

  4. Haha, have you ever used Lavender oil for dogs? Does it seem to be calming to their brains just like human brains?

    1. Hi VINEVIDA, Yes, Lavender calms dogs so much! I had a very anxious cocker spaniel that was making it so none of us could enjoy camping trips. I put a drop or 2 on her collar every few hours and it made such a huge difference. Calmed her down so she could relax. There’s an entire section on Lavender in this blog post you might find helpful. 🙂

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