Learn the benefits of Frankincense essential oil, how to use it, and get a list of 30 easy ways you can use it.  

Frankincense is known as the King of Oils!   It is a powerhouse and helps any other essential oil work better. When in doubt about which oil to use, reach for Frankincense.

Health Benefits of Frankincense Oil

- Calming & Focus - Anti Inflammatory Properties - Skin Soothing - Anti-Aging - Cellular Regeneration - Boost Immune System

30 ways you can use Frankincense essential oil to get its benefits.

- Roll down the spine to boost the immune system - Apply to scars or dark spots to reduce appearance - Apply to big toe with Vetiver before bed

- Apply with Peppermint to the roof of the mouth for head tension - Apply over the heart during anxious moments - Diffuse with citrus for mental fatigue

-  Combine with Myrrh for glowing skin - Mix with Tea Tree to cleanse owies - Add 4 drops to 3 cups Epsom salts plus 5 drops Lavender for a calming detox bath

- Rub over the neck to reduce tension - Apply over blemishes - Add to veggie cap with Turmeric for brain support

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