Best DIY Homemade Soft Scrub Cleaner Recipe

This homemade soft scrub has all natural ingredients and works better than store bought at removing hard water stains and built up soap scum.

You can use this cleaner on counters, toilets, in the tub and shower, kitchen sink, refrigerator or tile floors.

This soft scrub is excellent for getting rid of soap scum, removing stains, and brightening your tile and toilet.


- Baking Soda - Unscented Castile soap - Water - Vinegar - Lemon Essential Oil


In bowl, combine baking soda and castile soap. Add water and stir.


Slowly add vinegar and essential oil. The consistency should be a soft paste. Store in airtight container.


To use, apply to desired area. Scrub with the rough side of a sponge or brush. For best results at removing hard water stains & soap scum, let the cleaner sit on the tile for 15 – 30 minutes. Scrub again, then rinse.

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